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Scenario Roleplaying Discussion Workshop

What Is the Scenarios Workshop


What do we actually do?

How Do We Do It


Coming up with Scenarios

We solicit scenarios from our participants! If we’re out of scenarios, we’ll spend the first 30 minutes in break-out rooms to come up with scenarios during the meeting.

Scenario Guidelines

Scenario Template


Example Scenarios

An App By Any Other Name


Jake is an EM and manager his close-knit team of engineers Bob, Pierre, Chris and Ramón. Today Jake is holding a cross functional team meeting with their product manager Alice and their designer Pat.


Jake: Welcome team, we are meting today to review Alice and Pat’s designs on our upcoming product. Chris: Hey guys, super appreciate the work y’all did! We implemented Pat’s designs and I felt it really augmented our sexy nurse app! Alice: I’m going to assume by sexy nurse app, you mean the personalized medical assistant app we are working on and discussing today. Pierre: Bro, we’ve been calling it sexy nurse app for weeks. You haven’t come up with a product name yet. Jake: Alright guys, lets stay on track, we’re not here to discuss the app name today Stupid Language



Alice and Bill are having a discussion at their desk, Claire is overhearing at a neighboring desk


Bill: This project is a disaster Alice: Ugh, the whole thing was done in JavaScript which is STUDID FUCK. We should rewrite it in C++.

I Just Said That


Jake is the manager of the devops team. He’s holding a meeting with the team members Bob, Pierre, Alice and Pat to discuss ideas for addressing recent trend in service failures


Jake: Okay, so the service broke again this weekend and we really have to fix things up. Give me your ideas. Pat: Oh gosh, again, what did I miss? What happened this time. UGH. Bob: How about we break it up into microservices Alice: What if we modulate the tachyon beam? Jake: Cmon focus folks, this is a serious issue Alice: Sorry (haha) Pierre: We’ve been running this service for years, why are we running into issues now? Pat: We’ve seen a gradual increase in users since we started, it’s natural for us to hit scaling issues Pierre: What about breaking up into microservices? Jake: Hey Pierre, I think you might be onto something there, can you elaborate more? Be Targeted

Made in collaboration with Raymond Keller