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games: MOBA hero ideas   Beamtimes and Lifetimes ♠♥♦♣ The Card Game   EPOCH 5':' Paradigm Shfit   Road Story   Roulette   Perfect Woman   Misc. Games   Kubisch   Burn & Turn   Cave  
teaching: UCLA DMA 199 Directed Research, Board Game Finish and Production   CTIN 486 Alternative Control Workshop Spring 16   UCLA DMA 157 Game Design   CTIN 486 Immersive Game Design Workshop FALL 14  

Misc. Art 1 -:- 2015

Laptop Cooking (Dec, 2015)

This is a laptop I tried to swindle from the now deceased startup I use to work for because they owed me 250 ish dollars. A few years later, the video card semi-broke (possibly because I dropped it). Apple recalled their 2011 MPB. I brought it in to their store (a dystopian multi-ethnic technological fantasy land) once and they said they would make a one time exception to fix it at no cost under the recall because my water censor triggered. 3 months later, it broken again and they wouldn’t fix it so I baked it at 350F for 7 minutes and presto.

UPDATE (March, 2016): parents just informed my the lappy died again :(.

One ceramic cup filled with not-very-useful wooden kitchen utensils (Oct. 2015)

To be placed in the gallery’s cupholder. For 6UWY425 Car Gallery.

Biased Data, A Panel Discussion on Intersectionality and Internet Ethics (Nov. 2015)

Presented by the technodiversity team at the voidLAB. A video recording of the entire panel can be viewed here.

You can have your cake and eat it too: the technocrat’s dream, now reality (Mar. 2015)

A cake with a picture of itself projected on it. Cake, Projection, exotic woods and expensive knives.

Me Eating a Chicken Carcass (Dec 2014)