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games: MOBA hero ideas   Beamtimes and Lifetimes ♠♥♦♣ The Card Game   EPOCH 5':' Paradigm Shfit   Road Story   Roulette   Perfect Woman   Misc. Games   Kubisch   Burn & Turn   Cave  
teaching: UCLA DMA 199 Directed Research, Board Game Finish and Production   CTIN 486 Alternative Control Workshop Spring 16   UCLA DMA 157 Game Design   CTIN 486 Immersive Game Design Workshop FALL 14  

Clay e-mails -:- 2015-present (ongoing)


In 2022, I downgraded from e-mails to hand written letters. As before, etched into wet clay, bisque, glazed, and fired again. Eventually to be sent to to their recipient.

For Jennifer, a would be lover, all too soon, who finally awoke me from my dream as it was turning to a nightmare


E-mails scratched into wet clay. Bisqued, glazed and fired again. Photos are first taken and the ceramic object is then given to its intended recipient but only if I still feel like it.